понедельник, 18 ноября 2013 г.

Setting of the story

So, the next thing i want to do is to analyze the setting of the story. As we know, the setting of the story indicates time and place of the events.The events of the story take place in Trysdale' s (main character of the story) bachelor apartments straight after the wedding ceremony. "Trysdale was  standing by a table in his bachelor apartments...Trysdale's friend, the brother of the bride, stood at a sideboard complaining at being allowed to drink alone. Both men were in evening dress. White favors like stars upon their coats shone through the gloom of the apartment''. The atmosphere in the room is dull like Trysdale's thoughts. He thinks about the last few hours. Why is he so gloomy? There was the wedding of woman he loved and he even proposed to her. After this the author shows us events which took place before.

4 комментария:

  1. What type of setting is presented in the story you're analysing? Is it general, detailed etc.? What effect is created by such manner of presentation of the events? Think and comment, please!

    1. I think that setting in this story is presented in a general way.Because we don't have the detailed description of the place and time of the events.There are only few phrases,which help us to imagine the atmosphere.And as I said it's dull, gloomy and sad.

  2. So, I like your analysis) It' really a very sad situation, when someone, you are in love with, marry another person. But can you tell me, what do you like in this story most of all?

    1. Thank you! The story impressed me with its unexpected ending.I really like it. I'm going to continue my analysis and then you'll understand what i'm talking about=)
