суббота, 30 ноября 2013 г.

Characters of the story

There are three characters in the story : Trysdale, his beloved and his friend. We meet the main character- Trysdale-at the beginning of the story. He seems to be very serious, calm and even a person of saturnine temper. There is no direct description of his temper. O. Henry tells nothing about his attitude to the character. But it is possible to guess everything from Trysdale’s speech and behavior. "He saw all the garbs of pretence and egoism that he had worn now turn to rags of folly". It describes him as a person who can admit his mistakes. "Vanity and conceit? These were the joints in his armor" He doesn't afraid of self-criticism and he is ready to come around.I like this quality."She had always insisted upon placing him upon a pedestal, and he had accepted her homage with royal grandeur". He was selfish and full of himself. 
While his beloved is the direct opposite. "How glad, how shy, how tremulous she was!" This quotation gives us only a good image of this person."She had always insisted upon placing him upon a pedestal...It had been a very sweet incense that she had burned before him; so modest (he told himself); so childlike and worshipful, and (he would once have sworn) so sincere". Her love is childly pure and sincere.
Another character is Trysdale's friend, the brother of the bride. I can say hardly anything about this character. The only thing I can say is that he is a good brother."Only little sister I had, too, and now she's gone". The author pays a small attention to this character, but at the end makes him an important person in this story. 

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