суббота, 30 ноября 2013 г.

Plot of the story

 The plot of the story is quite specific, because the author uses such technique as flashback.After the ceremony Trysdale "remarshalled in his mind 
the events of those last few days before the tide had so suddenly turned." I think that in some extent the story has both external and internal conflicts.External conflict is the conflict between Trysdale and his beloved.The reason is she married another man. But the main one is internal conflict.The character blames himself for imperious behaviour and disparagement. He also rebukes himself, that he didn't find and talk to her,after she'd sent him the cactus as an answer to his proposal.   "His large pride and hurt vanity kept him from seeking her".
We have exposition,climax and resolution of the story. In the exposition the author tells us about time, then we get acquainted with the main characters.Then the author tells us romantic story.The climax is the moment when Trysdale makes a proposal to his beloved. The time when he is waiting for her answer, she sends him the cactus(Ventomarme) and their next meeting are falling actions. And then we have resolution.The author brings us back to the real time. The voice of Trysdale’s friend interrupted his thoughts. He tells Trysdale abou the cactus : “Hallo! Here’s an old acquaintance. Wherever did you rake up this cactus, Trysdale? … - Know any Spanish, Trysdale?.. - Yes. The natives imagine the leaves are reaching out and beckoning to you. They call it by this name--Ventomarme. Name means in English, 'Come and take me.'"

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